Friday, November 20, 2009

The Greatest Gift

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23 nlt

When my son, Aaron, was a small tyke, his favorite toys were plastic G I. Joe figures. Every day his little red head could be found poring over his collection. After much deliberation, he picked out two to carry- one in each chubby, little hand.

For Christmas, Aaron asked for a specific G. I. Joe. The problem? Every other three-year old in our area wanted the same one. I despaired as Christmas grew closer, and none could be found.

Finally, I found it. You would have thought I’d discovered a treasure chest full of gold. The salesgirl looked disinterested as I practically jumped up and down by the counter relating how relieved I was to have found it.

I could hardly wait to see Aaron’s blue eyes light up when he opened his special gift. It only took a few seconds for him to rip the colorful paper from the packaging. Of course, the big hug and the enthusiastic “Thank you, Mommy!” made the hunt worthwhile. Then as quickly as he opened it, he moved on to his next gift. He had no idea of the time and effort it took to find what he requested.

During the Christmas season, we hustle about trying to get the right gift for each person on our list. It warms my heart when someone opens a gift from me and exclaims, “You know I need this very thing!”

God looked at mankind thousands of years ago and knew exactly what we needed. In the same way someone exclaims over an earthly gift, God Himself along with the angels in heaven rejoice when we see the need for the Gift He sent- His Son, Jesus. I can imagine my heavenly Father’s delight when someone exclaims, “I need you, Jesus. I accept the gift of salvation.” Luke 15:10- “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

In the days before Christmas, Aaron had asked for the special toy several more times without knowing the gift had already been purchased. Before I accepted Christ, He already paid for my salvation through His death on the cross over two thousand years ago. When I was nine years old, my spiritual eyes opened and I realized Jesus was just what I needed.

Our salvation is not based on what we can do for our God, but what God has already done for us. Christianity is the only religion based on this foundation. When we hunt for that special gift for our loved ones, let’s remember the greatest Gift of all- the salvation Jesus paid for with His death and resurrection. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”- John 3:16. Have you accepted the greatest gift?

Prayer: God, I thank You for the greatest present of all – salvation through Jesus Christ. Help me to remember amidst the busyness of the holiday the true meaning and reason we celebrate – Jesus’ birth. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.



  1. Donna,
    I for one am so glad to see this devotional this week. Christmas has been put on "automatic pilot" as far as gift buying and receiving, and somewhere along the years, we've forgotten this is a time to celebrate the greatest gift of all, Jesus's birth and that he died on the cross to give us all eternal life. Once again I thank you for being that angel that sits on our shoulders and says, "God loves you."

    Queen Jaw Jaw

  2. Beautiful and timely devotional on what is most important at this time of year; that of Jesus Christ, our Lord....

    Thank you for an inspirational and lovely reminder of the Christ Child...


  3. It's hard for people to find the true meaning of Christmas. If you look at what He's done for us, that He gave His only son so that we would be saved, that's the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks, Donna, for that inspiration. You made my day. Patty Bashaw


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