Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Coming Home

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11 niv

A stray puppy followed my husband home today.

I woke up this morning to the words, “We have a situation.”

In my barely coherent state, I heard Don saying something about a dog, a really friendly dog, a sweetheart of a dog. After the third ‘dog,’ I sat up and muttered, “So where is this dog?”

“He’s in the garage.”

The fact that the puppy is a ‘he’ jumped out at me. We have three dogs, all female. “Well, thank God you didn’t let him in the house.”

We went down to the garage, and my heart melted at the sight of this mass of quivering, wagging, excited puppy all wrapped up in short, black fur. This puppy belongs to someone as evidenced by his healthy state, his friendly demeanor, and the tags on his collar. He has a transmitter on, too, so someone went to great expense to keep him in his yard, but I know from experience these transmitters aren’t worth a penny if the batteries die.

Have you ever heard the song “Lord, I’m Coming Home”? It’s frequently sung during an altar call. The first verse says, “I’ve wandered far away from home. Now I’m coming home.”

Jesus referred to us, not as stray dogs but as sheep, who before we are saved through Jesus Christ, are astray from God. Jesus proved His love for mankind when he died on the cross. He came into this world of darkness and evil to rescue people who are lost. Jesus said in Luke 19:10 nkjv, “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Jesus said He is the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep to save them. “Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father--and I lay down my life for the sheep.”(John 10:15 niv)

He will also seek after those who already know him and have gone astray. If you are not in a right relationship with Jesus Christ, if you do not know him as your Lord and Savior, or if you are a Christian and have gone astray, The Holy Spirit will draw you back into the fold. Jesus is ‘calling you home.’

My husband called the number on the puppy’s tags, and hopefully someone is eager to have him back and will come for him. We do not have room in our house for another dog. I’m so grateful the Lord always has room in His family for one more person.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for Your convicting Spirit Who drew me into Your fold. Thank you for loving and watching over me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

*Update on puppy in 'comments.' - Donna


  1. Donna, You know I'm a sucker for a pet story. A very good analogy. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Thanks, Jan and Melva, and all of you who sent emails.

    I've had several ask what happened to the puppy. I tracked down the owner, took him home, put him in his pen with fresh food, and the owner called that evening to thank me so much for looking after him.

    The neighbor came out, and we talked a bit. All of a sudden she said, "Are you a singer?" I had sung at her church about twenty years ago! What a memory!

    So, thankfully, the puppy's back home, and I hope, being loved on. He really is a sweetie.


  3. Donna,

    I really enjoyed this post. At my house it would have been the children bringing home a stray puppy, not my husband! Glad he found his home and, like you said, even more happy that there is always room in our true Home for another one.

    Thanks for taking the time to encourage me over at gracereign. It blessed me. Thanks for writing for His glory.


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