Monday, September 13, 2004

Bird Nerd – Part 5

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Luke 12:6 niv

As I write this, I’m so thankful I can walk with relatively little pain.

My penchant for observing the hummingbirds got me into big trouble. We were going to eat, and my husband had already gone to start the car. He opened the door and yelled, “Come see what’s in the garage.”

I ran down the two steps into the garage, and saw a tiny hummingbird fluttering around the ceiling. Since I spend considerable time waiting for them to come to the feeder, I stopped to watch in awe as its wings flapped so fast they blurred, an almost imperceptible hum emanating from its fluttering. Then I remembered their need to eat every few minutes, and since I didn’t know how long this one had been trapped in the garage, I got concerned. I went back up the two steps to reach in and turn out the lights it seemed to be so enamored with.

I turned around, and still focused on the bird, I went down the first step, and you guessed it, totally missed the next one. I landed on the cement floor on both knees. Crack! I cried out in pain, and flipped myself over to start massaging them. I yelled for my husband to go get ice, and began to pray.

Even with knees throbbing, I still managed to get up, go get my feeder, and tried to get the bird to come to it. Instead, he fell. I hobbled over to him, and picked him up. His little body quivered, glistening far more beautiful than I’d ever seen in a photograph.

While I held him, I thought of the verse in Matthew. Jesus said, “Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.” (Matthew 10:29 nlt)

God keeps track. He knows when each bird falls. As I thought of this, it occurred to me that He knew about my fall, too. I said another quick prayer for my knees, and, I admit, for this tiny being. The hummingbird took off! I hope he found his way back home and to find nourishment.

My knees are sore, but I’m ambulatory. Thank God! After my ordeal, I took off – to go eat, too.

Prayer: Thank you, God. I rest in the promise You watch over me, and nothing in my life happens without Your knowledge. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


  1. Donna,

    Hey girl, those hummingbirds are beautiful, but be careful with your knees, too. We love those little birds and keep a couple of feeders out for them. One is at our kitchen window, and we watch them while we eat. I just can't figure out the fighting when it gets to be this time of the year when they are tanking up to go south. I wrote a short devotion on that. I think it was this time last year.

    Glad you weren't hurt enough so that you can still walk. Sounds like God was answering that immediate prayer when you cried out to HIM!

    Melva's Stories from the Heart

  2. What a touching story...I, too, am glad that you are okay...and the hummingbird, too.

  3. Hi Donna,

    I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I can't stop laughing. That's something I would have done. Hope you're okay.

    I can understand how you would react to a hummingbird in your garage. One of my parakets is ill and he fell today, wedging his little feet between the water bottle and the cage. I was on the phone at the time. I dropped the phone and banged myself as I ran to the cage to help it up. I thought he was dying for sure. But as I write this, he is eating. I know he'll be leaving us soon, and I know this is normal, but it still breaks my heart. He was three when we go him almost six years ago.

    Nurse that need and take good care of yourself.

    Marilyn G.


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