Sunday, August 22, 2004

I Stand in Awe

Dominion and awe belong to God; he establishes order in the heights of heaven. – Job 25:2 niv

Recently I attended the Face-to-Face Conference hosted by New Life Ministries. I listened to godly, uplifting teaching, and wisdom given through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The chairman and one of the hosts of New Life Live daily radio program, Stephen Arterburn, spoke on coming face to face with Jesus using the life of Zacchaeus as his inspiration. As an aspiring writer, I sat in awe. Mr. Arterburn is the author of the Every Man’s series of books, which have sold over a million copies, as well as over 40 additional best selling books. I would have loved to talk to him, but his time was limited.

When we broke for the lunch break, I decided to take a shortcut through a side door to my car. Who was coming my way but Stephen? I reached out to shake his hand, and he graciously slowed his step, and I came face to face to with this best selling author I so admire.

Later as I sat listening to him speak, I thought that, as honored as I was to shake his hand, the moment pales in comparison to the time when I will come face to face with Jesus. Oh, the joy of reaching out to touch his nail-scarred hands! And I won’t sit in awe. I’ll stand in awe of the love and sacrifice He made for me. Time won’t be limited either. I’ll have all of eternity to worship my Lord.

Do you stand in awe* when you contemplate the love of God? “Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!” (Psalm 66:5 niv)

And perhaps, when I get to heaven, I’ll have a conversation or two with Mr. Arterburn, too.

Prayer: O, Lord, my God in Heaven, I so adore and stand in awe in Your presence. May I never exalt anyone above You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

*To listen to an audio clip of the song "I Stand In Awe," click here.


  1. As I was reading your latest devotional, I was singing "I Stand in Awe." It is a wonderful song - I have been trying to get someone in church to sing it with me forever now! When I sing or even hear that song, God touches my spirit & an amazing feeling just covers me. The words are beautiful & make me want to stand face to face with God right now. That will be the most magnificent moment EVER! I can only imagine...I don't mean to keep using song titles to describe my feelings - it just happens! I can hardly contain myself when I hear these songs & of course, when I hear them, I sing them. I get a double blessing each time!

    just "me"

  2. Nice devotional, Donna! I think I'm gonna attempt to update my site sometime this week. Am inspired that you can update your site so consistently with the devotionals. -C

  3. I love your devotionals, Donna. So often, I feel that something happens which is a "parable" in my life. Sometimes I write it up. You inspire me.


  4. Pastor spoke on "Worship" Sunday. One of his points was that a worshiper must have a "God-consciousness." I think you described that characteristic beautifully in your new devotional. It's a shame that we can get so busy, even doing His work, that we forget to see His greatness in what happens around us. Donna, I think that is what makes your devotionals so wonderful! You find Him in a bird feeder, for cryin' out loud!



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