Wednesday, October 1, 2008

She’s Got a Way About Her

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up.Luke 18:1 nlt

Several years ago, a friend told me about a dog needing a home. My daughter and I went to check her out and fell in love.

A slip of a puppy, the five-pound apricot poodle, Cassie, thinks she’s a cat. She grooms my other dog, Angel, and curls up on top of any pillow - or person, lying around. She’s a darling dog and very affectionate, but since she was older when we adopted her, we can’t change a thing about her. Maybe it’s the cat temperament.

When we call the dogs in, the other two (Yes, I have three!) come running. But Cassie, in true cat fashion, decides when she will come in. I have to go out into the yard and scoop her up if I’m in a hurry. Sometimes, we inadvertently leave her out. She comes to the back door, and the most obnoxious, high-pitched whining you’ve ever heard from a dog comes forth.

Do you have a prayer you’ve been praying a long time? I know I do. At times, I feel like Cassie, yapping at the back door of heaven wondering if God even hears me.

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells the Parable of the Persistent Widow, a lesson on why we should always pray and never give up. He tells of a widow who kept coming to a judge for justice against an adversary. Jesus says this judge cared neither for man nor God. The widow had no advantage or advocate in her favor. She was on her own to plead her case, and she was persistent.

Though the widow probably became frustrated, she did not quit until her case was heard and justice granted. Instead of the judge wearing her down by refusing to help, she wore him down by refusing to give up.

Unlike the unjust, ungodly judge, God cares for us far beyond our ability to comprehend. Although it can be difficult to understand why our prayers aren’t answered right away, God knows what is best for us. Jesus taught if this arrogant, unjust, and ungodly judge can be worn down to answering the prayers of a widow who seemed insignificant to him, then how much more will God, Who does cares for us, answer our prayers in accordance with His will. And we aren’t annoying God. He loves us and wants to hear from His children. I try to remember to pray as Jesus did. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” - Matthew 6:10 niv

Is that Cassie I hear at the back door again? I love her, but that’s annoying!

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that You hear my prayers and You know what’s best for me. I trust You and rest in Your love. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


  1. Oh, yes, Ellen! I get over my annoyance as I walk to the back door. Cassie's getting old, and I'm glad she's still able to bark at the back door. I wonder if God thinks of me that way. "Hmm...there's that Donna again. Glad she's not too old to pray." *g* We can't give up!

    And I'm sure He smiles at us ALL the time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :)

  2. I'm just beginning to check out the blogs of the Master's Artist writers. Thanks, Donna! I love what you've done with the place...I'll visit often.

  3. Katy, thanks for stopping by my 'remodeled' place. *g* I don't do too many drastic things, but slowly but surely, I'm learning HTML so I can add fun things to the site.

    Dotsie, including links is one of those fun things! Glad you liked them.



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