Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm Smitten with Molly

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.James 1:2 ESV

We added a member to our household – a seven-week-old Boston Terrier. Oh, the joy of having a puppy. Molly, her name since this morning, nuzzles into your neck and your heart. She hops instead of runs, plays hard and sleeps soundly, and when we leave the room, cries in such a pitiful way we run right back in to comfort her.

Already I’ve seen a bit of stubbornness in her. She wants to sleep on the sofa right next to me, snuggled into a leopard print throw. When I get up to do chores, she keeps whining for me to sit back down.

How can such a tiny being have such a strong will? So far, I’m being accommodating, but eventually I’ll have to get stern with her. There’s no telling what kind of mess a puppy can get into without proper supervision.

Isn’t that like we humans? We place our hands on our hips, and defy God. “Why can’t You do what I want to do?” We question why we go through trials, when the Lord may be trying to train us, teach us, and is only concerned about our best interest. We can get ourselves into some pretty big messes when we ignore His direction, can’t we?

God accommodates His children to an extent, but then spiritually, we need to grow up. We bow to His will. His supervision will always be for our good. James the Apostle said the testing of our faith produces steadfastness. When we trust God during a difficult time, our faith increases, and we learn patience. We grow up a little.

According to what I’ve read, Boston Terriers have a tendency to resist being told what to do – another trait shared by many humans. Life will be much more pleasant for all of us if Molly learns to follow commands. God has laid out in His Word many commandments for us to follow. How much better would our lives be if we lived according to God’s Word?

I’m looking forward to the many spiritual lessons this little puppy will teach me. And she’s so cute, too! Only one downside - Boston Terriers snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. Just what I needed. Don’t we hear enough of that already out of humans?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being so patient with your children. Help me to be accepting of Your will and Your instruction. Thank You for Your Word that teaches me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


  1. Donna

    Boy can I relate to your new charge and our own struggle with following the Word.

    I mentioned this fall that we had adopted a stray cat. She was so sweet in the beginning and we couldn't resist her. She is not quite one year old and we are hoping she is going through the "teen years". She is into everything and although she understands our words she refuses to obey them when they don't suit her. (Sort of like us resisting the Lord.)

    Molly sounds sweet and adorable. It is hard to be a "parent" but you hang in there, just as the Lord hangs in there with us. Molly will be happier for it. We will too.


    "Strut Your Stuff" Jan 2005

  2. Oh what an adorable puppy, just sitting there saying 'come on spoil me, I'm cute.'
    Great analogy as well, thanks Donna

  3. Oh my goodness - Molly is adorable! We have a 4 yr. old Boston Terrier boy, MacGyver. Bostons are the best! And yes, he's taught me many things!

  4. Hi Donna! Wow, Molly is a cutie! And you are so right in the things we can learn from our dogs! I know that Rebel and Rascal have taught me a thing or two. Rascal snores too - only when he does it it's cute - when Mike snores it's an altogether different story - ha ha! I really LOVE your writing and am soooo happy for all the success you have found in it! God's using you to bless so many lives! Keep it up Donna! Be blessed - Diane

  5. Aw..., Molly is SO precious! I hope she's a real joy to you. We had a Boston Bull/ Toy Fox Terrier mix when I was a girl, and we loved him. He did have a stubborn streak, but then, so did I. In fact, I'm STILL learning to say "Yes" right away when the Lord tries to move me off the sofa. I'd like to reach the point where I don't even have to think about it. Well, now you've gone and given me something ELSE to pray specifically about. But you did it so beautifully!


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