Wednesday, August 31, 2005


If you have a blog, you can register at the site above and participate
to raise awareness and money for the relief effort, picking the charity of
your choice.

Let's continue to pray over this situation - for those who've been displaced, families who are grieving over the loss of loved ones, and for all those who are participating in the relief efforts.


Operation Blessing

Convoy of Hope

Samaritan's Purse

Mt. Zion Disaster Relief Shower Trailer

Here are instructions for putting together a disaster relief kit - something I hope we never need...

Disaster Supply Kit

More Reviews for Topsy Turvy Land

Three more reviews are up!

The Dabbling Mum

Caribooks: Reviews with Care

PreSchool Entertainment

Friday, August 19, 2005

Topsy Turvy Land Review on Amazon

Topsy Turvy Land is now available through Today I had tears of joy as I read a review left by Michael P. Snyder:

A delight for the imagination, August 19, 2005
Reviewer: Michael P. Snyder (Spring Hill, TN USA)

The kids in my house love this book--the four little ones AND the two big ones. The words and pictures tickle the imagination and highlight the limitless breadth of God's creation. Biblical truth permeates every entertaining page.

The best endorsement I can give this book is this: Last night I allowed my 5-year old and my 4-year old to take three books to bed with them. The five-year old grabbed Topsy Turvy Land, igniting a small skirmish. The peace talks ended with a compromise--a five minute limit on Topsy Turvy Land before swapping with your brother. I guess we may have to buy another copy....or three or four.

Wow! What more can a children's author ask for? Thanks, Michael and family! Here's the link -

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Cleansing Grace

Bitterness pools deep within the soul -
dark and murky with bottom unseen.

Stagnation hides resentment and lost desires,
locked in muddy sediment of unfulfilled dreams.

Daily the cesspit grows deeper.

Can anything stir emotions; cause still waters to flow?

Anger has been the only turbine –
the cause of untold hurt and pain.

Is there nothing that can clear the waters?
Is there relief from the turmoil within?

Can darkness receive light
and hope be renewed once again?

With cleansing God alone can perform,
His love purifies the depths of the heart,
ridding the soul of bitterness
revealing tenderness only grace can impart.

Forgiveness rushes through the depths
with penetrating power unknown to man
Refreshing the capacity to love.

Faith and hope remain.

© Donna J. Shepherd
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